The Wonderful World of Chinese Water and Ink Painting

Before we get to the news, here’s what you need to know…

水墨畫 Shui Mo Hua (Water Ink Painting) is a traditional style of Chinese painting.

There are 3 types:

1. 工筆畫 Gong Bi Hua (skilled pen painting) is more academic with a focus on fine details, technique, realism and careful composition. It’s usually more colourful and vibrant. Subjects for this style include palaces, life-like depictions of dignitary and awe-inspiring aspects of nature.

Gong Bi hua of a Lotus

2. 小寫意 Xiao Xie Yi (small emotion): more loose, spacious and impressionistic than Gong Bi Hua. A softer, more feminine style.

Xiao Xie Yi of a Lotus

3. 大寫意Da Xie Yi (big emotion): the freest and most flowing of the styles. There is a strong focus on the feeling, and expression over details. Paintings in this style are spacious and abstract depicting small, unremarkable aspects of nature like insects, streams, grass, bamboo and small flowers. Colours are diluted with water to different shades and tinted with minerals. Generally this style is more minimalistic and zen, with occasional humour.

Da Xie Yi of a Lotus after the bloom

So there’s the background, now for the news!

Gold Coast residence and local athlete, Muky, has put away her watercolours and embarked on a foray into traditional Chinese ‘Water and Ink Painting’. It started yesterday so there’s no telling how long this will last.

Her materials just arrived, and out they came:

How cool are the brushes!

So from a standing start….she unveiled her latest work, a grass orchid in the style of Da Xie Yi:

Muky later found out that she was painting on the wrong side of the paper (one side is slightly more coarse than the other) but who cares?! Into a frame it goes!

Special thanks to (website paid in full and still unregistered…) for the excellent explanation of the different types of Chinese water and ink painting (any errors will no doubt be a result of my poor listening skills)

More traditional style Chinese water ink art as it comes to hand!

6 thoughts on “The Wonderful World of Chinese Water and Ink Painting

    1. That’s just the thing — she asked me to organise a domain & hosting which I did but she hasn’t used it! That’s why I drop hints occasionally…
      Hope everything is good with you guys x

      Liked by 1 person

  1. (website paid in full and still unregistered…)…. yea I bet you are really on her good side right now. lol.


    1. Quite the opposite…I’m the one who paid after she asked for the domain etc…She hasn’t bothered to get the site published yet so I’m just dropping hints!


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